Winchester Chiropractor goes Ninja


Winchester Chiropractor goes Ninja

Henny Winward -chiropractor, mother, Ninja.Winchester Chiropractor Henny Winward tells us about her Ninja Warrior Experience; It must have been around Christmas time when I was sat in front of the television watching some very fit ladies and gents throwing themselves off ropes, climbing monkey bars and running up a high wall on ITV's game show Ninja Warrior UK. Some of the not too successful contestants were falling into the water and I thought to myself “I can do that!”. I immediately applied to be on the show and afterward thought nothing more of it, in fact I had forgotten that I applied until I received an email a few weeks ago asking me to come to the audition in London. I instantly wished I had trained a bit more but of course I was going to take the opportunity: it may mean I would embarrass myself in front of a few people but it would also mean a few hours to enjoy myself whilst my husband looked after our two young, adorable children, so off I went. When I arrived there was only one more female, the rest were males, all of whom looked like they could be on the cover of Men’s health Magazine. I was whisked off to do my interview in front of the camera and for some reason I got very nervous. All I can remember from the filming was a couple of awkward silences and (being Swedish) me saying something about Swedish meatballs. After that, my fellow auditionees and I had to endure some physical tests. At the first station we ran and jumped off a trampoline and grabbed hold of a rope where we had to hang as long as we could, this was very hard. There was also a pull up challenge where I was just hanging off the bar as I couldn’t even pull myself up to do a single one. We also had to swing ourselves off of a high bar as far as we could and there were some other very hard physical challenges. Unfortunately I wasn’t successful in getting through to be part of the show however I thoroughly enjoyed the audition and I might even consider applying again next year. (Ninja Warrior is a TV program on itv, similar to Total Wipeout. Its contestants compete in a very hard obstacle course that finishes with a high wall where the “Ninja’s” have to try to “Beat the Wall!!”)


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